Officer 55
Late in the night,
when the streets get dark,
the alley cats yowl,
and the stray dogs bark.
In the dark
there's much to fear.
There's danger lurking,
and trouble is here!
Behind the drugstore,
someone is breaking in!
The cop gets the call,
and makes his tires spin!
With lights flashing,
and siren blaring,
it's Officer 55!
He's oh so daring!
He jumps out of the car
and pulls his gun!
"Reach for the sky, pal!
Your day is done!"
"Oh, Officer 55,
you gave me quite a fright!
It's me, Pete the druggist,
locking up for the night."
"Well I knew that.
I was just seeing if you did.
Lock up tight,
and take good care, kid."
"Hurry, Officer 55!"
a man did shout.
"Come here quick,
we've had a break out!"
With siren blaring,
and lights flashing,
It's Officer 55!
He's oh so dashing!
He jumps out of the car,
and pulls his gun!
"Quick, Dick the vet!
Which way did he run!?"
"That bad, bad dog,
is a terrible beast!
I knew I should have
kept him better leashed!"
Well, even though
it wasn't on his beat,
Officer 55,
caught him with a dog treat.
A neighbor called the police,
about trouble at the school.
The cop hit the gas,
he didn't want a broken rule.
The lights flashed,
and the siren did scream,
it's Officer 55!
Oh, he's such a dream!
He jumps out of the car,
and pulls his gun,
Then hollers out loud,
"Get off the roof, son!"
The boy, way up high on the roof,
came climbing right down.
"Why were you up there?"
"Well, there's nothin' to do in this town."
"Well, from the law,
we just can't budge.
Please state your case,
to the city judge."
The policeman
had just one more mission,
before he could go home,
then go out fishin'.
With siren blaring,
and lights flashing,
it's Officer 55!
He's oh so smashing!
He slams on the brakes,
and jumps out of the car!
He goes in the store...
and buys a maple bar.
So sleep well at night,
and know you're alive,
all because of our friend...
Officer 55!
The policeman
had just one more mission,
before he could go home,
then go out fishin'.
With siren blaring,
and lights flashing,
it's Officer 55!
He's oh so smashing!
He slams on the brakes,
and jumps out of the car!
He goes in the store...
and buys a maple bar.
So sleep well at night,
and know you're alive,
all because of our friend...
Officer 55!
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